
Learn how to add images to your emails.

You can work with images hosted elsewhere with absolute URLs, or you can upload them to Parcel. If you upload images to Parcel, please note this is for testing and previewing purposes only. Parcel currently does not support image hosting aside from the purpose for building your emails. When you export your email as a ZIP file, this will include the assets that you then should rehost.

You can use images via relative or absolute paths.

Relative paths

Your image path can be relative to the location of your email. For example, if you have

├── My First Email
├── image1.png
└── images/
    ├── image2.jpg
    └── image3.jpg

you could access image1 via: <img src="./image1.png" alt="">

and image2: <img src="./images/image2.jpg" alt="">

Absolute Paths

You can also use absolute paths. For example, if you have

├── emails/
    ├── My First Email
    ├── image1.png
    └── Newsletter
└── images/
    ├── image2.jpg
    └── image3.jpg

you could access image1 via: <img src="emails/image1.png" alt="">

and image2: <img src="images/image2.jpg" alt="">

Right click on an image in the file explorer to copy it's path.

Close up image of the file explorer, which contains several nested files and folders. One file is selected and has been right clicked, revealing a menu with the options "Copy Path", "Rename", and "Delete". The "Copy Path" option is selected.
Screenshot showing how to copy the path of an image