Conditional rendering

Conditional rendering allows you to show or hide content based on a condition.

Components support conditional rendering.

<div if="false">
This only shows if true
<div elseif="true">
This is an elseif
<div else>
This won't show because it isn't true

Use this component in an email:

A simple email

The output is:

A simple email
This is an elseif


If you don't want extra <div> tags for each conditional, use <fragment> instead.

<fragment if="false">
This only shows if true
<fragment elseif="true">
This is an elseif
<fragment else>
This won't show because it isn't true

Use this component in an email:

A simple email

The output is:

A simple email
This is an elseif

Another Example

<fieldset name='products', type="list">
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="text" name="price">
<fragment foreach="product in products">
<li if="product.price<2"> ${} - $${product.price} </li>
<h1>Products less than $2</h1>
<my-first-component products="[{name:'apple', price:'0.50'},{name:'banana', price:'0.75'},{name:'tomato',price:'3.00'},{name:'pie',price:'8.00'}]">

The output source becomes:

<h1>Products less than $2</h1>
<li> apple - $0.50 </li>
<li> banana - $0.75 </li>

Complex Conditionals

Let's explore a new component called conditional-component:

<input type="radio" name="variant" value="primary" checked>
<input type="radio" name="variant" value="secondary">
<input type="radio" name="variant" value="outline">
Variant: ${variant}
<div if="variant==='primary'">
Pay attention to me
<div elseif="variant==='secondary'">
Maybe attention to me
<div else>
Probably don't pay attention to me
<h1> Conditional Components </h1>
<conditional-component variant="secondary"></conditional-component>

The radio type input restricts the valid inputs to one of the set of values.

The output source becomes:

<h1> Conditional Components </h1>
Variant: secondary
Maybe attention to me

Ternary Expressions

You can use ternary expressions within conditionals.

${conditionToEvaluate ? whatToDoIfTrue : whatToDoIfFalse}
<input type="radio" name="variant" value="primary" checked>
<input type="radio" name="variant" value="secondary">
<input type="radio" name="variant" value="outline">
${variant === 'primary' ? 'If the variant is primary, this message is displayed.' : 'If not, this is displayed.'}

The output source for this component with the same base email is:

<h1> Conditional Components </h1>
If not, this is displayed.</body>

Nested Ternary Expressions

You can nest ternary expressions for more complex conditionals.

<input type="number" name="luckyguess">
${luckyguess === 25 ? 'Correct!' : luckyguess > 50 ? 'That guess is too high!' : luckyguess < 15 ? 'That guess is too low!' : 'Pretty close!'}

Use this component in a simple base email:

<h1> Let's play a guessing game </h1>
<conditional-component luckyguess=26></conditional-component>

The output source becomes:

<h1> Let's play a guessing game </h1>
Pretty close!