Parcel is the email coding platform. We focus on helping email developers work efficiently to create high-quality emails.

Parcel vs. Litmus

Parcel is hands-down the best product in the email space right now.

– Dylan Smith, Senior Product Designer at GitHub

Code Editor

HTML editing
Upload images
Editor settings (themes, tabs/spaces, etc)
HTML formatter
Multi-cursor editing
Command palette for faster actions
Automatic saving
Can I Email support data for HTML and CSS
Ghost table syntax highlighting
MSO CSS autocomplete
AMP support

Litmus provides a simple D&D editor that pairs with the code editor.


While both Parcel and Litmus have shared HTML snippets, Parcel allows for both private and shared snippets, as well as CSS and HTML snippets.

Shared snippets
Private snippets
HTML snippets
CSS snippets

Generate other email parts

With Parcel, you can generate the plaintext version of your email with a single click. And with the "Generate AMP from HTML" button, you can start sending AMP with your exact HTML template without having to convert it over manually.

Generate Text from HTML
Generate AMP from HTML


Parcel saves me time, keeps me consistent, and helps me deliver perfectly coded emails.

– Megan Boshuyzen, Senior Email Developer at Sinch Email
Integrated Email Previews
Responsive live testing
Images on / off✅ (images as well as remote content)✅ (only images)
Click to jump to code
Expanded table view
Inspect element to see style information about your email
Focus mode to keep your preview perfectly in sync with the code
Dark mode preview
Multiple live previews of different sizes
Screenshot downloads

Components vs. Partials

Components allow you to work significantly faster and spend less time repeating code. They are similar to Litmus's partials but provide an unmatched level of flexibility and power.

Partials are static - they can only be used for completely unchanging blocks like footers and logos. Otherwise, you must use snippets and manually update every email when you need to change something about the snippet code.

Components are dynamic - allowing you to pass in content, and options, use logic and even fetch remote data. With components, you can create an entire design system that you can update at any time without additional effort other than the code update itself. With each component, you are creating a single source of truth for your design system.

Static blocks
Custom attributes
Pass in content
Use conditional logic
Support embedded CSS alongside the HTML
Loop over data for easy repeating block
Fetch remote data from CSVs, XML/JSON APIs, or even from websites

Optimize your code

Parcel automates many of the manual steps email developers have to do today for optimization and code cleanup. With just a few toggles you can keep your emails below the clipping limit, remove unused code, and support GANGA.

CSS inlining✅ (no configuration)
Formatting - remove whitespace or prettify your code for final editing in your ESP
Auto encode HTML entities
Add tracking parameters
Remove unused CSS
Shorten CSS selectors

Validation/Pre-send Checklist

An important step to make sure your email is ready to send is to verify your code is valid, accessible, your links and images work, and that you aren't sending content that will be flagged as spam.

Parcel brings these validation steps right next to your editor, so it is easy to test and validate your work.

Link tracking validation
Accessibility validation
Link validation
Image validation
Image blocking previews
Load speed testing
Read-time HTML problem highlighting
Visual impairment simulator
Analytics - tracking pixel


The final step of building your email is exporting your code to your ESP. Both Parcel and Litmus allow you to download the email.

Export to ESP
Download ZIP
Export to PDF