Putting it all together

Learn how to use components to create a complex email.

What can we do with components when we utilize all of their functionality at once?

Let's make a new component called fetching-data-component.

<fetch name="products" url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrianBock/open-data-set/master/products200.json">
<tr foreach="product in products">
<td><a set:href="product.url"><img set:src="product.image" set:alt="product.description" width=150></a></td>

Incorporate this into a very simple email:

<h1> Monthly Catalog </h1>
<fetching-data-component />

In 24 lines of simple code, we've created an email product catalog with 200 products!

Image of a partial email, titled "Monthly Catalog". The email contains a table three columns labeled "Product", "Image", and "Price". The first four rows of the table are shown, and include names, images, and prices for miscellaneous batteries.
Screenshot showing the resulting email

Components inside components

You can use components inside other components. Let's make another new component called my-button.

<input type="url" name="href">
.button {
background: slateblue;
color: white;
padding: 10px;
display: inline-block;
font-family: sans-serif;
text-decoration: none;
<a class="button" set:href>Buy now!</a>

Adding it to our fetching-data-component is as easy as adding it to an email:

<fetch name="products" url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrianBock/open-data-set/master/products200.json">
<tr foreach="product in products">
<td><a set:href="product.url"><img set:src="product.image" set:alt="product.description" width=150></a></td>
<td><my-button set:href="product.url"/></td>
Image of a partial email, titled "Monthly Catalog". The email contains a table four columns labeled "Product", "Image",  "Price", and "CTA". The first four rows of the table are shown, and include names, images, prices, and purple "Buy now!" buttons for miscellaneous batteries.
Screenshot showing the resulting email

Monthly Newsletter Imported from Company RSS Feed

<fetch name="news" url="https://www.nasa.gov/rss/dyn/Gravity-Assist.rss">
<h2> ${news.rss.channel.title} </h2>
<a set:href='news.rss.channel.url'><img set:src="news.rss.channel.image.url" set:alt="news.rss.channel.image.title" width=200> </a>
<p><a set:href='news.rss.channel.url'> ${news.rss.channel.description}</a></p>
<h2> Related Stories </h2>
<fragment foreach="story in news.rss.channel.item">
<h3><a set:href='story.url'> ${story.title} </a></h3>
<p> ${story.description}</p>
<h1> Newsletter </h1>
Image of a partial email, titled "Newsletter". The email contains content from NASA's Gravity Assist newsletter. The Gravity Assist logo is at the top. Below are a series of related stories each with title, link, and summary paragraph.
Screenshot showing the resulting newsletter email

Let's add a little bit more complexity. First, add a ? before each element - this will allow the email to render even if that element does not exist. Let's look at a different RSS feed and pass it's url into the component from the email.

<input type='url' name='url'>
<fetch name="news" set:url>
<p> ${news?.rss?.channel?.description}</p>
<fragment foreach="story in news?.rss?.channel?.item">
<h3><a set:href='story?.url'> ${story?.title} </a></h3>
<a set:href='story?.url'> <img set:src="story?.enclosure?._url" set:alt="story?.title"></a>
<p> ${story?.description}</p>
<newsletter-component url="https://www.nasa.gov/rss/dyn/breaking_news.rss" />
Image of a partial email, titled "NASA Breaking News". The email contains content from NASA's Breaking News RSS feed. Beneath the title is a description reading: "A RSS news feed containing the latest NASA news articles and press releases." Below are a series of recent news stories each with title, link, image, summary paragraph, and timestamp
Screenshot showing the NASA newsletter

This framework will work for any RSS feed with the same structure.

<newsletter-component url="https://www.nasa.gov/rss/dyn/educationnews.rss" />
Image of a partial email, titled "Education News". The email contains content from NASA's Education News RSS feed. Beneath the title is a description reading: "A RSS news feed containing the latest education related news from NASA." Below are a series of recent education stories each with title, link, image, summary paragraph, and timestamp
Screenshot showing the NASA education newsletter

Component functionality directly in an email

All emails support the basic component functionality. If you don't need to reuse a component or pass in data to it, you can incorporate it's content directly in the email (without the <component> tags).

<fetch name="news" url="https://www.nasa.gov/rss/dyn/educationnews.rss">
<p> ${news?.rss?.channel?.description}</p>
<fragment foreach="story in news?.rss?.channel?.item">
<h3><a set:href='story?.url'> ${story?.title} </a></h3>
<a set:href='story?.url'>
<img set:src="story?.enclosure?._url" set:alt="story?.title">
<p> ${story?.description}</p>